IT management

IT Management: Strategies for Enhancing Effectiveness in 2023

October 19, 2023


Laptop repairs, WiFi resetting, and password recovery: is that all the IT department does?

Not even close.

In reality, it’s a lot more than that. Data breaches and cyberattacks are common threats to the modern business landscape. Effective IT management strategies can safeguard an organization against such attacks. When confronting the challenges of an economic downturn, businesses that want to stay competitive in the long run must learn to integrate IT management tools into their business operations effectively and responsibly. 

Those working in information technology (IT) incorporate the policies, practices, and procedures that are needed to manage the maintenance and usage of hardware, software, and networks -- no matter the industry or business environment.

Why IT management matters more in 2023

If you want to align your business goals with the technology being used, you need to make IT management a priority. When you do, you’ll soon see that there many benefits to utilizing IT management.

Supports business operations

IT lies at the core of almost all business activities. From automation to data processing, IT managers are responsible for supporting several new avenues in today's business landscape that were previously unimaginable due to a lack of resources and expertise.

Brings efficiency and productivity

IT management also ensures that a business's information technologies are secure, optimized, and performing efficiently. IT departments provide quality service to all employees, no matter what sort of tech-related issue they’re experiencing, and enable all departments and teams to work as efficiently as possible.

Manages risks

Any organization can become vulnerable when dealing with systems that underperform or run into technical failures. If your network were to go down or if your company experiences a data breach or malware attack, it can equate to a huge risk, not to mention result in a massive loss of profit if the data center were to be compromised. 

$4.45 million

is the average cost of a data breach in the US.

Source: IBM

IT management keeps those vulnerabilities in check to manage risk without impacting the day-to-day operations. With the right IT management system in place, your company data will be protected to ensure business continuity.

Leads innovation and growth

IT management teams are known for implementing automation tools to reduce unnecessary workloads and enhance growth across teams. They innovate with the latest technologies like machine learning and chatbots to revolutionize the way a business offers services.

Reduces costs

With a solid IT management team or process, businesses can reduce costs. From streamlining operations and resource allocation to optimizing the IT infrastructure of an organization, IT management implements many strategic ways that allow companies to survive cost-cutting seasons. For instance, a well-built-out strategy means you can effectively eliminate any instances of shadow IT.

We asked Garrett Cook, former Information Security and IT Manager at G2, how G2 Track makes his day easier. He said:

“I enjoy using G2 Track because it's an all-in-one solution to help identify overlap, eliminate shadow IT, and discover similar products.”

Garrett Cook
Information Security and IT Manager at G2

He continued, "It can also find out how our end-users feel about the software tools we already have."

Improves data management

IT management also improves data management by making it easier for employees to collaborate, transfer data, and store and protect confidential company data and other personal information. 

Plays a strategic role in business growth

Many Chief Information Officers (CIOs) expect to shift from maintenance and management to higher-value, strategic activities. Effective IT management enables this by aligning with the organization's strategic goals, fostering innovation, managing risks, and allocating resources effectively across the board.

Components of IT management

Depending on the needs and organizational structure, IT management can be broken down into several key components, like:

  1. IT governance involves aligning your IT investments and operations with the organization's strategies and managing risks adequately. It establishes a framework for decision-making, risk management, and accountability. 
  2. IT financial management involves strategic planning, tracking, and managing the costs, benefits, and risks of IT investments at an acceptable level. It includes budgeting, ROI analysis, accounting, and cost-tracking activities.
  3. IT service management (ITSM) focuses on delivering IT support to end-users to meet the needs of the business. ITSM includes service support within the organization (eg: help desk tools) and service delivery (eg: capacity management).
  4. IT operations management involves overlooking and maintaining the daily activities, processes, and infrastructure needs of an organization. This component is responsible for delivering value to the business through technology by ensuring everything runs perfectly.
  5. IT project management defines project scopes, budgets, timelines, and resources. It ensures all IT initiatives reach their designated goals on time and within budget. 
  6. IT security management protects an organization’s data assets and systems from threats and ensures compliance with relevant regulations and standards. It also implements security measures and monitors vulnerabilities to ensure business continuity.

Each of these components plays a crucial role in ensuring that IT departments function efficiently and align with the organization’s business objectives. With G2 Track, you can monitor all components of your IT management system on one platform, providing full visibility into different processes. 

Key features of effective IT management 

There are several key features of effective IT management that play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of IT operations. Here’s a brief overview:


Analytics refers to the systematic evaluation of different data points to collect insights into various systems and make informed decisions. IT management involves collecting and processing data from sources like applications and user interactions to identify the root causes of service impacts, predict outages, and lead to greater efficiency. 

Cloud computing

Cloud computing delivers on-demand computing services like storage and networking over the internet. It offers scalability, improved collaborations, data security, and recovery services across the organization. This feature results in improved efficiencies and reduced infrastructure costs across the departments.

AI and cognitive computing

Artificial intelligence and cognitive computing use machine learning and deep learning to automate tasks, detect anomalies, and predict downtime to help IT managers deliver better services. It also uses natural language processing (NLP) to implement AI-based chatbots and virtual assistants for resolving technical issues faced by users.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT devices and sensors are connected to the internet and exchange data. These platforms help in collecting and analyzing system data and proactively resolve any issues to improve productivity. They allow functions like remote monitoring of equipment, data collection in real time, process optimization, and improving data security through encryption and authentication.

These features, when properly implemented and managed, can greatly enhance the effectiveness of IT management strategies.

The role of an IT manager for IT management

Whether your company is large or small, a start-up or a multi-million dollar business, the role of your IT manager or CIO is crucial to the success of your business and the daily work of your employees. The main goal of an IT manager is to monitor and control all IT systems and the IT infrastructure to ensure they’re always available and reliable.

The general responsibility of IT managers

Some general responsibility of IT managers and their team includes:

  • Managing IT budget and costs
  • Determining which computer systems are required for the goals of the company
  • Monitor compliance and the integrity of all systems
  • Control network security and avoid a breach
  • Roll out and administer new software, hardware, and relevant data systems
  • Provide technical or service desk support to employees

It’s clear that IT managers and professionals within the information technology management field need to have subject matter expertise on all things tech, but they should also have a solid understanding of what goes into business operations. It’s up to them to ensure that the business and its employees are using technology in a way that supports all aspects of the company and its goals.

At the end of the day, the IT leaders at your business will be the problem solvers as your business implements new technologies and systems within its network.

Unleashing the power of G2 Track for innovative IT management

Overseeing current IT projects and operations will always be part of IT management. However, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) or Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) in the modern office will need to know how to use technology in new and innovative ways to ensure their company can keep up with rapid growth and change.

That’s where a SaaS management tool like G2 Track can make a big difference.

It’s often the role of the IT department to have a full and comprehensive look at what software is within the company’s tech stack and how much is being spent on each tool. A SaaS system of record like G2 Track does this for you. With an easy to read dashboard, you can manage software spend, contracts, and account usage all in one place.

It’s also a great way to see overlap in spending and software tools. For instance, do you have various teams within your company using and paying for different expense management tools? G2 Track will point this out, showing you a potential savings opportunity.

G2 Track allows your IT directors a complete analysis of employees, products, and spend by department, making it simple to identify opportunities to reduce spending. It’s also easier to understand all contracts and software renewals, ensuring full transparency regarding contract dates, owners, and spend, so you never miss another milestone.

A new way that G2 Track can make IT management even better is with its user sentiment data. With this data, IT professionals can effectively identify weak spots in the way a tool is being used or determine if it’s time to look for an alternative tool.

These surveys can provide feedback from employees, which in turn answers questions like:

  • Does this team need more education on how to use the software?
  • Are we using the tool incorrectly?
  • Is there an alternative to this tool that can provide more value while also being more budget-friendly?
  • Is this software crucial to accomplishing the goals we have as a company?

Essentially, G2 Track is able to check multiple boxes for your company’s IT leaders or IT department as a whole, meaning they have more time to focus on the day-to-day tasks that are necessary for your business to run as effectively as possible.

Streamline your IT operations today

Your company’s IT department is constantly putting out fires and solving problems that arise daily. As the digital age rapidly scales, their role and the list of responsibilities will be evolving as we continue to rely heavily on different forms of technology.

Thankfully, G2 Track makes knowing the ins and outs of your company’s tech stack that much easier.

Looking for more ways to save money? Take advantage of our free demo and audit your software costs and license usage with a customized savings report.

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